17th Reintegration Puzzle Conference

Rydges World Square, Sydney
19th-21st June 2024

Stepping Up

Kane Nuttall

The Power In You Project

Kane Nuttall founded The Power in You Project in 2017 as a peer-led mentoring program, after having been addicted to drugs for the better part of 12 years.

He was able to pull himself out of addiction – largely due to the unwavering support of his parents – and through his own experience noticed a critical gap in the system for individuals seeking treatment; he then sought to bridge that gap himself.

After seven years of operation, Kane and the Power In You Project have now supported more than 500 participants, developed partnerships with several major organisations, purchased two properties including the main Drop-In Centre as well as a residential property that provides a safe space for individuals who have recently been incarcerated, or are at risk of incarceration, and also have a satellite office in Warrnambool which supports individuals in regional and remote areas with little access to the resources they need.

Offering a unique lived experience, Kane understands first-hand what it is like to be in the grips of addiction and has grounded The Power In You Project firmly in the principle that, if someone has built up the courage to ask for help, they need that support immediately and should not be placed on a waitlist.

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